While Lemon Jack has yet to earn the reputation of its father, Jack Herer, this sativa deserves some respect. A potent strain featuring a distinct, chemical-like lemon smell, Lemon Jack has strong psychoactive effects. Focused and energizing, this strain’s effects draw from both its Jack Herer and Lemon Kush heritage. Like a strong cup of coffee, Lemon Jack is a daytime strain. Patients who suffer from headaches and fatigue tend to find relief with this strain, though it may not be the best choice for those who suffer from anxiety.
☘️ Lemon Jack
- THC Level ➜ 17%
- Strain Type ➜ Sativa
- Common Terpene ➜ Terpinolene
Lemon Jack Effects ⦂
Lemon Jack Medical Benefits ⦂
- ⦾ Anorexia ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Arthritis ➜ 0%
- ⦾ ADHD ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Hypertension ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Glaucoma ➜ 0%
- ⦾ PMS ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Seizures ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Spasticity ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Fibromyalgia ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Crohn's Disease ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Epilepsy ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Parkinson's ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Alzheimer's ➜ 0%
- ⦾ HIV/AIDS ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Tinnitus ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Spinal Cord Injury ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Phantom Limb Pain ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Tourette's Syndrome ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Muscular Dystrophy ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Stress ➜ 32%
- ⦾ Asthma ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Pain ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Depression ➜ 24%
- ⦾ Anxiety ➜ 23%
- ⦾ Insomnia ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Headache ➜ 0%
- ⦾ PTSD ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Nausea ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Cancer ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Cramps ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Migraines ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Inflammation ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Eye Pressure ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Appetite Loss ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Multiple Sclerosis ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Muscle Spasms ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Bipolar Disorder ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Gastrointestinal Disorder ➜ 0%