Short for Catholic School Girl, CSG is a cross between Teacher’s Pet and GSC. This balanced hybrid produces spindly light green buds with long orange hairs. CSG has lavender, spice, and earthy aromas, while the taste is musky and woody. This is a great strain for anyone looking to add a cerebral twist to a GSC high.
☘️ CSG
CSG Effects ⦂
CSG Medical Benefits ⦂
- ⦾ Anorexia ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Arthritis ➜ 0%
- ⦾ ADHD ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Hypertension ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Glaucoma ➜ 0%
- ⦾ PMS ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Seizures ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Spasticity ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Fibromyalgia ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Crohn's Disease ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Epilepsy ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Parkinson's ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Alzheimer's ➜ 0%
- ⦾ HIV/AIDS ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Tinnitus ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Spinal Cord Injury ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Phantom Limb Pain ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Tourette's Syndrome ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Muscular Dystrophy ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Stress ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Asthma ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Pain ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Depression ➜ 33%
- ⦾ Anxiety ➜ 66%
- ⦾ Insomnia ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Headache ➜ 0%
- ⦾ PTSD ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Nausea ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Cancer ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Cramps ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Migraines ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Inflammation ➜ 33%
- ⦾ Eye Pressure ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Appetite Loss ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Multiple Sclerosis ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Muscle Spasms ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Bipolar Disorder ➜ 0%
- ⦾ Gastrointestinal Disorder ➜ 0%